Quilted up to 100mm

Zero waste
tops panel

Production up to
30 tops panel/min

Effective gain of 20% on the closure of each mattress
It interacts full-time with the operator, allowing them to receive information in real time
Qualidade & Performance
The IUSYS 421a has been designed to be the machine that best combines quality and performance in the quilting industry. With the efficient performance provided by two JUKI sewing heads, the IUSYS 421a sews at up to 3500 RPM, reaching the mark of 30 quilted and sewn tops panel per hour. This machine is equipped with unique features capable of making your production not only more efficient, but also more consistent and effective.

Flawless quilting
To get rid of creases, the IUSYS 421a is equipped with a presser foot exclusively dedicated to achieving an excellent end result, with quilts free of creases and deformations. This feature gives your final product high quality and excellence.

Optimise every second of your production
The IUSYS 421a is a compact machine, even compared to vertical quilting machines, which combines two essential activities, cutting and transport, eliminating not only the need for an additional operator, but also allowing the tops to be easily placed on the mattress and closed more quickly.
Useful work area | Length = X | Width = Y: 2400mm x 2800mm
Number of stitches per minute: to 3500rpm
Stitch width: 1 to 6mm
Maximum sewing speed up to 21m/min
Automatic offset
JUKI (Japan) head with integrated thread cut
Omron servomotor (Japan) with EtherCAT technology
Electronic loop stitch adjustment
Top line detector for hardware
Bottom line detector for hardware and software
Spool line detector
False stitch detector
Lack of fabric detector
Material support: 1 (upper fabric) + 1 (lower fabric) + 3/4/5/6 (fillers)
Rear pull system to support heavier materials
Anticipation of change of material and indication of the cutting position
Sewing machine with supported guide for joining fabrics
Detection of lack of fabric
Automatic electronic positioning of side cuts
Uniform pull with large diameter rollers
Side cut with Ø 260mm discs with pneumatic rise and fall
Electronic movement of side cuts
Electronic positioning of side cuts
Cross section with electrical positioning
Hemming system (4 sides) – see more
Front extraction kit
Side extractors kit
Cast rubber rollers
Automatic Top Stacker – see more
Omron NJ
Built-in EtherCAT and EtherNet / IP ports
Ability to perform multiple tasks
Synchronized movement core
Functions: logical sequence, motion, CNC, robotics
Connection to databases and SECS / GEM
DB connection: SQL client for Microsoft SQL server, Oracle, IBM DB2, MySQL, Firebird
System with telemaintenance
Built-in EtherNet / IP, Wifi and Bluetooth network
Numerical control software (IUSYS421-Viewer)
Drawing enlargement and reduction
Point change
Editing the drawing
IUSYS421 Design program (CAD file in .dxf)
Development and creation of new designs
Studies and analyzes of different standards
Direct export to IUSYS-Viewer
Import of other design software (AutoCAD and other possible study)
Graphical drawing visualization
Programming and modification of drawings using a touch monitor
Automatic presser foot height adjustment depending on materials
Characterization of the composition of the quilting sandwich
Control of the machine via a smartwatch
Two display monitors
Servo Drives, Servo Motors, Circuit Breakers, Contactors, Relays and other electrical and electronic equipment from Omron, Siemens or other major equivalent brands
Approximate weight 5000 Kg
Maximum power | Tension | Air pressure 15kw | 380V + III + T 50/60 Hz | 6 bar